The Empire of Wubz

The other empire. Welcome.

I Haven't Posted For A While. 0u0

Okay, so I technically only have three more days left of my weekend. I GOT A FIVE DAY WEEKEND!!! >:D
Anyway, what have  I been doing so far?

I was at a sleepover with my cousin, and here's what we did:

1. Ate food

2. Played Minecraft

3. Asked random questions

4. Sang songs

5. Played Minecraft

6. Made fun of Kaito

7. Talked about people we like

8. Minecraft

9. Minecraft

10. And Minecraft.


So, as you can see, we did a lot of Minecraft. I built some awesome stuff though. It was BOMB. SAUCE.


Anyway, yeah. What have all you been doing?

Here. I'm bored. Have fun:

There. That's all for now. XD

Enjoy yourself. These are so funny. XD

Okay, bai now!


Pink Diamond