I don't have school today! We had this big test thingy this whole week called TCAP. It's one of those where they give you a big booklet to take the test in, and then they see what classes you should be in and stuff... Yeah. Anyway, how's l…
So, I haven't posted here for a while... ANYWAY GUYS, WAZZUP?!?!?!?!!? I'm actually kinda bored and tired today... ono Well anyway, most of you guys are looking at my other blog and know about stuff that's going on in my life, so I don't h…
Dude, it's been like, forever since I posted here. Last post was Thanksgiving! o.o Anyway, Christmas was just recently... And New Year's was like, yesterday, so yeah. THAT MEANS MY BIRTHDAY'S IN SOON DAYS!!!!!!!!!!! Like, in nine days I th…
Hey everypony! Totally stoked for Thanksgiving dinner. We just put together a butternut squash pie, got the turkey in the oven, the mashed potatoes on, stuffing, and... ALL THAT GOOD STUFF!!!! My sister is here, but my mom is gone. So it's…
Y'all remember how I said that Twitch (that one brony) made the best music like, ever? Well, at least to me. THIS BLOG IS ABOUT WUBS AND STUFF SO... YEAH!I'll show y'all a WHOLE bunch of wubs. Credit Twitch for these. They're almost better…
I was GOING to type "Guess who made WAFFLESS!!!!!!!!" Just 'cause. XDAnyway, too much Invader Zim yesterday! oAo Just kidding. That's a good thing. XDANYWAY, you know who's birthday it is today? NERU'S!! Like, Akita Neru. o3o :D YAY!!! I w…
Okay, so I technically only have three more days left of my weekend. I GOT A FIVE DAY WEEKEND!!! >:DAnyway, what have I been doing so far? I was at a sleepover with my cousin, and here's what we did: 1. Ate food 2. Played Minecraft 3. Aske…
The little "Insert From YouTube" thing on my blog stopped working. ;-; Like, it's just a big white box that shows up when I click "Open Selection Window". The search bar doesn't show or anything. ;-; THIS. IS. TERRIBLE. Well then... I gues…
I dunno. I keep constantly posting about Vocaloid, and I'm aware that it's really obnoxious. But... I said something yesterday that was so funny and awesome. XDI was like, "Vocaloid is like an oasis to the soul". It was hilarious... It was…
My name in Japanese is REALLLLLY long. Here! Figure out yours! ^-^ ~Z
Okay... Everyone, sit down, order in the court everybodiez. Order in the court. Sharing. Is. CARING. YouTube people are mean people who aren't educated and don't know that. Okay, that was a lie, but some are. As usual, I'm on this random V…
I made this! It's a refrence from Rin and Len's Remote Control song. Anyway... I've had too much Vocaloid for a day... But it's like a drug... You can't get enough. Once you've started with it, it's hard to stop... So... I'm prepared for V…
Root beer is DELICIOUS. I'm drinking a whole bottle of some right now, and listen to my dad talk to his computer and being a goof. XD Me:*Takes a sip of root beer* Aahhhh... ^-^ Me:*Puts bottle down* ouo Bottle: Fiiizzzzzzzzzzzzz... Me: .O…
We are now going to the Arts Center to see the play Camelot. 0u0 Well, gotta go now! This was VERY SHORT. BAI!!! ~Z
So. How are you all?! Again?! Here. Listen to this song. It's sad, but great. TvT Dreamy Theater extend - *Hello, Planet. (English ... TvT Anyway... Happy Birthday. Enjoy this. XD Bai now! ~WubBubble-Z
Hai guys. You may recognize me, you may not. WELLLLLL, friends. It is I, Brony!!!! Or... PrincessDaisy1. Whatever. My other main blog is princessdaisy.hatenablog.com. 0u0 So... Yeah! Bai now!!! :D I'm excited I have two accounts now!!!! :D…