Woah, Broah.
Dude, it's been like, forever since I posted here. Last post was Thanksgiving! o.o
Anyway, Christmas was just recently... And New Year's was like, yesterday, so yeah. THAT MEANS MY BIRTHDAY'S IN SOON DAYS!!!!!!!!!!! Like, in nine days I think. o3o
Broah, 3DSPlaza ain't workin', man... ono
That sucks. OH! LOOK WHAT I MADE!!!
ouo It's epical.
Oh, okay, so since I'm sleeping in the guest room because my bed in my bedroom fell apart, I went into my bedroom, and since I have like, five pictures of Len, I took one, put it on the wall in the guest room, and then I was like, "NECESSARY." XD
I felt better, because usually in that room I have creepy lucid dreams (I actually had a few creepy dreams. o.o) but that helped a little bit, I think. And falling asleep listening to my iPod.
I had so many weird and almost creepy dreams!!!!! D:
Okay, it was a lot about ponies... I had a dream that Twilight Sparkle was like, at a flying competition thing, and she was monitering it and whatever since she's a princess, but ponies were being all mean to her and stuff... And then for no reason, her horn fell off, so then she went to Princess Celestia to get new wings, and she got her horn back. Whut.
AND THEN I dreamed about Red a little. ^ ^
I just like, saw him sitting there in my dream, and a lot of my other summer camp friends were there too.
I MISS HIM SO MUCH!!!!! I have no idea if he knows, but I think about him EVERYDAY. He probably doesn't know... I wonder if he thinks about me ever... 'Cause for some reason, I got that feeling that he at least had the smallest crush on me... But I dunno. :T
I was thinking of all the stuff I regret that I did in front of him yesterday... I WAS SO STUPID!!!!!!! D'X
That made me sad... But he did a few stupid things around me too. But for some reason... When he did stupid stuff, it was kinda cute... >///<
I dunno.
So yeah, I'm bored. o3o
Okay, bai y'all!