The Empire of Wubz

The other empire. Welcome.

AH! Nothing's Working For Me Anymore! ;-;

The little "Insert From YouTube" thing on my blog stopped working. ;-;

Like, it's just a big white box that shows up when I click "Open Selection Window". The search bar doesn't show or anything. ;-;


Well then... I guess I just have to post links to my new Vocaloid songs again... Hehe... I hate doing that. =u=


I dunno.

Why do people like, wait 4 days until they check a website? I HAVE TO WAIT 4 DAYS JUST TO SEE A REPLY TO MY PRIVATE MESSAGE?! Puh-leez!
And Dare hasn't gotten online for a long time... ;-;

I dunno WHAT happened, if she's either mad/ignoring me (WHY?!) or if her parents had something to do with it or what. But I'm getting concerned. ;-;

Anyway, yeah.


Vocaloid is...

I dunno. I keep constantly posting about Vocaloid, and I'm aware that it's really obnoxious. But... I said something yesterday that was so funny and awesome. XD
I was like, "Vocaloid is like an oasis to the soul". It was hilarious... It was kind of a "You had to be there" thing, though.

So yeah.

I've been meaning to ask this... What mangas and animes do you like to read/watch? I like, really like K-On! for some reason. XD
It's just... SO AWESOME!!!!!! Yeah.

Of course, they DON'T have it on Netflix. And if they do, well, last time I checked, it wasn't FLIPPING THERE. Netflix is gay. =-='

Anyway, since nobody ever bothers to read my posts, I'll just go away now. G'bye.


Sharing Is Caring...

Okay... Everyone, sit down, order in the court everybodiez. Order in the court.

Sharing. Is. CARING.

YouTube people are mean people who aren't educated and don't know that. Okay, that was a lie, but some are. As usual, I'm on this random Vocaloid video, and then as usual, again, everyone's like "AAAH! LEN'S MINE!!!" I'm like... Pipe the f*ck down. (Jenna Marbles quote)

ANYWAY. Some stupid cosplayer (if you saw my other post on Brony's Empire of Pure Randomness, you'd get why cosplayers get to me) was like, "You all can't have him! He's mine!" Or something. I bet you can guess who it was. Like, the person she was cosplaying as. UM, WELL, THAT PERSON... Wouldn't act like that. I think. Maybe she would. 030

I dunno. Back to the topic. Instead of fighting... couldn't we just share?

Yeah, I know, sharing sucks, but if the poor kid was real, he'd be like, terrorized by a million fangirls and stuff. Wouldn't that suck?!
I mean, SO MANY crazy YouTube girls are all arguing over him. Um, first of all... He's fake. Second of all, if he was real, he'd probably be like, famous, so you wouldn't have any chance of meeting him.

I know... It always gets to me when people are like, "O.M.G. He's FAKE. Get OVER IT."

YOU, my friend, need to PIPE THE F*CK DOWN. So what if he's fake?! Like, can I dream? Uh, I guess not!

No. I can. Learn sarcasm. YOU need to chill. All of you crazy weirdos, from the people who are all pissed off at each other because one person saying "He's MINE!" and the people who need to just pipe the f*ck down, and get a little imaginative.

There's a bit of both in there to make a good Vocaloid lover, though. You can be in love with this fake dude, and at the same time, be a little bit aware that he isn't real, so it isn't totally necessary to be screaming over who gets him.

Then again... It's entertaining to see the drama in the comments. XD
I dunno. This just turned into a stupid, random rant.

Okay, bai now! XD


(Lol, wut?!)



Keep Calm and SIT DOWN PLEASE!

I made this!


It's a refrence from Rin and Len's Remote Control song.

Anyway... I've had too much Vocaloid for a day... But it's like a drug... You can't get enough. Once you've started with it, it's hard to stop...

So... I'm prepared for Vocaloid to invade my dreams... PLEASE invade my dreams, actually, Vocaloid! XD
Anyway... It's late... And I think my pupils are turning into a plus sign and a minus sign... Hehe... If you pay attention to Vocaloid costumes... You'd get it. Okay.

Bai now.


Root Beer is Good. 0u0

Root beer is DELICIOUS. I'm drinking a whole bottle of some right now, and listen to my dad talk to his computer and being a goof. XD

Me:*Takes a sip of root beer* Aahhhh... ^-^

Me:*Puts bottle down* ouo

Bottle: Fiiizzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Me: .O. Awesome.


Ooooh!!! :D
Bottle: FIIIZZZZZzzzzz....


I love that noise. Fisssssssssssszzz... That's what it sounds like. XD

Me: *Puts lip on the rim of the rootbeer bottle* *Blows*

Bottle: Foooooooooooooooooop.

Me: XDIt isn't working very well. But I'm really good at it when there's nothing in the bottle!!! :D

Which K-On! character are you most like? XD
Random question. ANSWER IT!!!!!!!!

I have to admit, I'm most like Yui. o3o

I dunno.

Okay, bai now! :D

Pink Diamond